Podiatry Group of Georgia

All About Hammertoes from a Georgia Foot and Ankle Doctor

If you are faced with unsightly toes that are curled to appear to look like a hammer, you definitely have hammertoes. Specifically, it is a condition where the middle joint of your toes is bent (curled) occurring in your 2nd, 3rd and 4th toe. Unfortunately, this condition can progressively worsen if not properly…

Hammer Toe Surgery

A hammertoe, or claw toe, describes a condition where the toe(s) become buckled, contracted, or crooked. The toe could even cross over an adjacent toe, which is called a cross over toe. Any of the toes may be affected, but the second and Fifth toe are most commonly involved…

Hallux Limitus Pain Treatment via Keller Osteotomy

Pain or discomfort in the great toe joint is a common occurrence amongst people seeking podiatric treatment. There are numerous reasons why people may experience pain or discomfort in this region. Pain in this area may be due to a restriction of motion, a condition referred to as hallux limits or rigidus…

Hallux Limitus Pain Treatment via 1st MPJ Fusion

1st MPJ Fusion arthrodesis procedure is normally performed for hallux rigidus or a severe bunion deformity. To perform this procedure, your podiatric surgeon will first remove the articular cartilage from both sides of the joint. The big toe is then placed in the proper position and the first metatarsal head is fixated…

Foot Pain Radiating Up Leg

One area that we hear patients complain about often is discomfort in the ball of their foot. This is where the toes join the rest of the foot and it is composed of muscles, ligaments, tendons, bones, and nerves. Your forefoot endures a great amount of stress and impact, particularly if you are active in sports. This structure is used for balance, weight distribution…

All About Foot Orthotics Podiatry Group of Georgia

By definition, Foot Orthotics are shoe inserts that are designed to correct various foot disorders and to alleviate consequent foot pain. They perform functions that make standing, walking and running more comfortable and efficient by slightly altering the angles at which the foot strikes a walking or running…

Foot Fungus Specialist

Toenail fungus infections are a common foot health problem and can continue for years without ever causing pain. The disease, characterized by a change in a toenail’s color, is often considered nothing more than a flaw or imperfection. If it’s left untreated, however, it can cause more serious problems…

Foot Doctor Near Me

Our team at our podiatry group in Marietta has spent years learning about feet! Your feet are an amazing area of your body, and one of the most complicated mechanically. There are over 26 bones in your feet, along with 33 joints and over 100 muscles, tendons, and ligaments…

Foot Care Professional

Podiatrist (Doctor of Podiatric Medicine, or DPM) – Diagnoses, treats, and helps prevent foot diseases and conditions. May also provide toenail care and maintenance and works with people with diabetes and other medical conditions who have foot issues…