Our Podiatrist Can Use a Laser to Treat Toenail Fungus

Podiatrist Can Use a Laser to Treat Toenail Fungus
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No one wants toenail fungus, but we’re surprised at how many people think they have to live with it. Toenail fungus isn’t something you have to accept! Our podiatrist uses a laser to painlessly treat toenail fungus for the patients in our Marietta, Georgia clinic. It’s a quick and painless procedure that can help eliminate toenail fungus in just a few treatments. You’ll have healthy looking toenails again in no time!
Toenail fungus can worsen over time, making your nails look yellow and become brittle. They may even begin to be painful. Our laser penetrates the nail and nail bed, getting rid of the infection and allowing your body to grow new, healthy nails naturally. Many patients see and feel results in as little as one treatment, but depending on the severity of your infection, you may require multiple treatments to see the results you desire.
Laser Toenail Fungus Treatments
The laser light infiltrates through the nail and delicate tissue to both kill fungus in its way and advances new nail development. When the living fungus is destroyed by the laser, sound nails start to develop from the fingernail skin of the nail. This uses infrared radiation which isn’t difficult and it is sheltered to delicately warm the base of the nail. This region of the nail is the place the fungus endures.
This framework annihilates fungus. It will require rehash visits for treatment over a multi-month time span. The treatment is ordinarily 5-15 minutes, dispersed 30 days separated for 3 months. As the nail develops gradually, it can take roughly 6 a year for the new nail to supplant the old contaminated nail. It is VERY EFFECTIVE.
Clinical examinations show that the laser kills toenail fungus and advances clear nail development with a solitary treatment that is superior to 80% of cases. The laser treatment is sheltered, powerful, and most patients improve typically after their first treatment.
Laser Toenail Fungus nail treatment offers a few points of interest over elective strategies, for example, remedy skin and oral medications, the two of which have had restricted achievement. Oral Medications, for example, Terbinafine have an extremely compelling kill pace of fungus just as an effective clinical fix rate. In any case, numerous patients are hesitant to seek after this course because of the way that it has reactions and can lift the liver proteins which are checked earlier and following one month of the utilization of oral meds. Skin prescriptions are powerful however can set aside a long effort to show results; i.e.: 1 year or more. Additionally, skin prescriptions must utilize two times per day, consistently. Most patients are determined for the initial 2-3 months however most become rebellious because of eagerness. The positive side is there are negligible foundational reactions with the utilization of skin drugs. Skin meds work the best related to the essential treatment of Laser.
There are a few focal points of applying laser treatment to toenail fungus.
- • Safe, effortless treatment
- • No reactions or medications
- • No liver compound test required
- • No recuperation time – simply stroll in and exit
- • Only 15 minutes required to treat the toenail fungus on the two feet, if every one of the 10 nails is being dealt with
How does the laser work?
The laser light causes a brief increment in clear nails. At the hour of the strategy, the toenail won’t become in a flash clear; it will take some effort to develop out.
What would I be able to expect in the Provider’s office?
An interview with your supplier followed by the system being performed and any subsequent visits as endorsed.
Is the method Painful?
The vast majority feel no torment, albeit a few people have expressed inclination a warming sensation.
Is there a recuperation period?
No; simply stroll in and exit.
How long does the procedure take?
The laser system takes under 10 minutes.
Will the Toenail Fungus return?
Your Doctor will prescribe care procedures to diminish the repeat of the disease. There is an opportunity of re-contamination in light of the fact that the fungus is available wherever in nature. Deterrent upkeep medicines are additionally suggested.
When would I be able to paint my nails or have a pedicure?
It is critical to evacuate all nail clean and nail adornments the day preceding your treatment. Following the treatment, clean can be applied right away.
Is it FDA cleared?
Truly, it is FDA cleared for the brief increment of clear nail in patients with onychomycosis (toenail fungus).
Want to see what our laser can do for your toenail fungus? Call and make an appointment with our Marietta, Georgia podiatrist today. You’ll come in for a consultation with our podiatrist, who will make sure that this treatment is right for you. If it is, you can start treatment right away!
Be sure to check out our other podiatry services, including our medical spa, which can make sure your feet look and feel their absolute best every day. You’ll be glad you came to our office for the help that your feet need!
Call Our Marietta, Georgia Office Today at 404-806-3731, or Book your appointment online now!