All About an Ingrown Toenail from a Georgia Podiatrist

Ingrown Toenail Symptoms
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If you have ever experienced pain along the borders of your toenail on one of your toes, you can definitely understand those pesky in-grown toenails. An ingrown toenail occurs when the edge of the nail grows down and into the skin of the toe. Some of the symptoms include pain, redness, and swelling around the nail. Ingrown toenails typically develop due to pressure from overly tight shoes, improperly trimmed toenails, and/or specific foot types that apply pressure on the toenail. You can get an ingrown toenail if you hurt your toe, such as stubbing it.
Ingrown Toenail in Children
In children, ingrown nails are a common malady. Oftentimes, it can be traced back to improper or inadequate trimming. The proper method for trimming toenails is straight across whereas fingernails are trimmed in a semi-circle fashion. It is advisable to teach children the proper procedure to trimming their own toenails at some point. Another preventive measure is to purchase shoes that fit properly in the sense of width and length.
Ingrown Toenail Solutions
To eradicate an ingrown toenail, there are several options available. One action is to remove a small sliver of the toenail from a Georgia podiatrist. Typically, this is performed with a local anesthesia injection within a doctor’s office setting. It should be noted that this can either be a temporary or permanent removal. If the condition will not subside, permanent removal is considered the final solution.
Once the section of the nail has been removed, it will be wrapped with Neosporin and gauze to prevent infection. You will need to come back to the hospital within about a week so that the toe can be examined to check for any drainage or infection.
If the toe is infected before the nail is removed, the infection may need to be treated before the nail section can be removed. This will be dependent upon the severity of the infection. Have you ever had an ingrown toenail?
Call Our Marietta, Georgia Office Today at 404-806-3731, or Book your appointment online now!